Friday, December 14, 2012

The cost of words

So far I owe $2.50.


Sarb Johal said...


Megan Clayton said...

It would be worth it, to say Fuckius Maximus.

Cheryl Bernstein said...

This, of course, is the small guy's own idea and handiwork. He's saving for an overseas holiday. Effectively, it is a plan for a wealth transfer from me to him.

Emma Fox said...

Love the way he crossed out the c word! and it's a fiver!

Maximus said...

Seems to be worth the fine levied, if only for the delicious naughtiness that would have been had by writing down all the forbidden words first. Classic!
Am also honored that Fuckius Maximus is the most wickedest word you can say. In my opinion, Maximus is clearly quite good!